[CQ-Contest] Let's change the ARRLDX rules

BobK8IA@aol.com BobK8IA at aol.com
Wed Apr 6 14:47:28 EDT 2005

Winding the clock back again.......ARRL DX Test offered High Band and Low 
Band entry classes back, what, 30+ yrs ago? 

73, Bob K8IA
Arizona USA

In a message dated 4/6/2005 11:22:21 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
stoskopf at tri.net writes:

> I actually would like to see yet another category:  I don't like staying up 
> all night fighting 80 and 40.  Would like to see an upper band section.  At 
> this stage of the cycle, 15 and even 10 open for a bit, but 20 is the band 
> for now.  So if I stay on single band 10, it's boring, single band 15 is 
> exciting for a while, but if I do single 20, I miss all the excitement of 
> the openings when everyones up higher.  Enough categories and everyone gets 
> a certificate!! 
> N0UU

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