[CQ-Contest] WB0O Contest QTH for sale

BILL STRAW wb0o at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 6 18:40:27 EDT 2005

Now you can be the rare mult!
WB0O contest QTH for sale in northern North Dakota:
60 acre alfalfa farm with 2br,2ba superinsulated house
  built in 1991. 40 acres planted in alfalfa, 20 acres
  somewhat wooded. 80M 4-square, 40M 4-square, 2 x TH7
  each on a 50' tower. Farm is on top of a 400' hill,
  previous SS scores speak for themselves. 4000 pine
  trees have been planted in the last 10 years.
Located in Bottineau, ND, 100 miles NE of Minot, ND,
  and 10 miles south of VE4.
Bottineau town website is bottineau.com

All this for $89,700
Contact Marilynn Strand at Strand Agency, (701) 228-3666

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