[CQ-Contest] Contest Inequities

k6xx@juno.com k6xx at juno.com
Thu Apr 7 11:00:12 EDT 2005

You are confusing WRTC, where the fundamental goal is revealing the world's best contest operators under controlled conditions, with the IARU contest, which is a world-wide open event. 

The last three WRTCs coincided with IARU contests, but they are not synonymous.

7e de Bob, K6XX

-- Scott Pederson <spederson at yahoo.com> wrote:

--- "k6xx at juno.com" <k6xx at juno.com> wrote:
> Then some bright guy comes up with those $%^&* "IARU HQ" mults. This
> effectively re-introduced country multipliers and disenfranchised all not
> located along the Atlantic coasline. 

Since it's in Brazil in 2006, won't this actually have more benefit to the
folks on the "Southern Coast?"

Scott - DR
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