[CQ-Contest] Canada versus USA

ku8e@bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Fri Apr 8 10:27:28 EDT 2005

It is because the interest in contesting is poor in Canada. If someone built a big station in eastern Canada they would do pretty well.   Case in point - VY2ZM.  Also look at VE1JF who has been placing
pretty well after building a competitive station


> From: "Kenneth E. Harker" <kenharker at kenharker.com>
> Date: 2005/04/07 Thu PM 06:43:06 EDT
> To: ku8e at bellsouth.net
> CC: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Canada versus USA
> On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 11:09:22AM -0400, ku8e at bellsouth.net wrote:
> >     No disrespect to my Canadian contesting friends but why does Canada  
> >   need to be considered the same as a US state in ARRL sponsored contests....
> >                              ...You have a "huge" advantage if you could 
> >   run EU below 14150 and in the clear as compared to fighting for the 
> >   band edge like the big S/O and M/M US stations do. Don't even get me 
> >   started on 40 meter phone. 
> *sigh*
> Let's examine this assertion that Canadians have a huge advantage in the 
> ARRL International DX Contest, Phone, W/VE competition.
> There are thirteen entries categories.  In the phone contest, how many 
> of the W/VE records for these categories are held by Canadian stations?
> One.  (see http://www.arrl.org/contests/results/intldx-rec.html)
> Category   Area   Call              Score       Year
> ----------------------------------------------------
> SOHP       W1     KQ2M              6,586,785   2002
> SOLP       W4     K4XS              3,186,945   2001
> SOQP       W2     K1ZM              1,917,510   2001
> SOSB/10    W4     W4ZV              981,837     2000
> SOSB/15    W8     K8DX              1,239,540   2000
> SOSB/20    VE6    VE6WQ (@ VE6JY)   933,525     2004
> SOSB/40    W4     K4XS              268,761     2004
> SOSB/80    W3     KQ3V              156,216     1996
> SOSB/160   W1     K1ZM              34,380      1996
> SO/A       W1     KI1G              5,790,720   2000 
> M/S        W1     K5ZD              6,730,380   2000
> M/2        W1     K1AR              11,435,802  2000
> M/M        W1     KC1XX             19,610,580  2000
> If the Canadians have such a huge advantage over their American 
> competition in this contest, wouldn't you expect them to hold all
> the contest records?  What about 40 meters?  The Canadian record 
> for SOSB/40 is only 62,622 points (also from an operation at 
> VE6JY, clearly the ideal contest location!)  That's only 23% as 
> high as the W/VE record, and lower than _any_ U.S. call district 
> record.
> How often do Canadian stations win any of the 13 entry categories
> in the DX phone contest?
> Canadian victories in the ARRL DX Phone Contest
> -----------------------------------------------
> 2004:  2 out of 13 categories
> 2003:  1 out of 13 categories
> 2002:  2 out of 13 categories
> 2001:  0 out of 13 categories
> 2000:  0 out of 13 categories
> 1999:  0 out of 13 categories
> 1998:  1 out of 13 categories
> 1997:  1 out of 13 categories
> Basically, Canadians win category victories in the ARRL DX Phone 
> contest about as frequently as do stations from the U.S. west coast or
> Texas.
> So, why are we complaining?  Because one Canadian station has managed 
> repeat victories in one entry category?
> -- 
> Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
> kenharker at kenharker.com
> http://www.kenharker.com/

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