[CQ-Contest] Canada versus USA

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Fri Apr 8 10:58:24 EDT 2005

     Another observation about Canada v. USA in phone contests:

     Let's consider a typical Canadian contest callsign, VY2ZM.  Pronounced 
phonetically, this callsign is a minimum of eight syllables ("victor yankee
two zulu mike").  Let's contrast this with a typical USA contest callsign,
say KQ2M.  Pronounced phonetically, this callsign is a minimum of six 
syllables ("kilo quebec two mike").  In this example, the USA op can 
generally pronounce his callsign in only 3/4 the time that the Canadian 
op must spend.

     Clearly, Canadian ops are at a huge disadvantage, and I have no doubt 
they will soon be petitioning for contest rules to require their competition
in the USA to use only 2x2 or longer callsigns...

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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