[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2006 and Writelog

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Apr 8 14:16:16 EDT 2005

Kenneth Harker wrote:
>Quoting further from Rule 8: "Nevertheless TR and CT could be used
>but the Committee does not assume any responsibility on the
>conversion to cabrillo. We will ask CT and TR to develop a specific
>version for WRTC 2006 in order to mitigate or eliminate problems on
>the conversion to cabrillo."

......The rule should state that as long as the organisers can receive 
their logs in
>Cabrillo, any logging software can be used. For example, what about
>the fantastic Win-Test logging software? No mention of that as an
>alternative, even though it has one-click-Cabrillo [tm] and supports
>the IARU HF Championship natively. And what about NA?

And, for that matter, what about N1MM Logger?  MM also supports the IARU 
contest, exports Cabrillo at a mouseclick, and is rapidly gaining users 
worldwide.  I wrote a review of MM for the next issue of NCJ, out within 
the next few weeks, and am working on a review of Win-Test.  It's pretty 
clear, at least from where I sit, that all of the DOS-based logging 
programs are losing ground rapidly, but to single out one Windows logging 
program strikes me as provincial at best.

I think the organizers' statement was an ill-considered reaction to 
problems I have heard about (though not in detail) that occurred during the 
last WRTC, involving CT and Cabrillo output.  Sufficient time remains for 
revision of this and other minor aspects of the Brazilian approach.

73, Pete N4ZR

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