[CQ-Contest] Canada versus USA

Yuri Onipko va3uz at sympatico.ca
Fri Apr 8 17:00:28 EDT 2005

in Canada a single person may have more than 1 call. Actually, I would say
every 3rd person having 2-letter suffix also owns a 3-letter call. Moreover,
we are allowed to have a 3-letter call in every province and I know people
who have more than 3 calls.
Just go to Canadian callbook website and do search by last name.

So I would say the number of actual Canadians having HAM licenses is no more
than 18,000.

73  Yuri  VE3DZ

> 44,000 Canadian (as of 2000 IARU report - this may be underestimated)
> 655,000 USA (without 14,000 - KP2 KP4 KH6 KL7 etc; from AH0A.org)
> The ratio is 6.7% or about 1 Canadian ham to 15 USA hams...
> Someone else can try the same analysis with Sweepstakes...
> Personally, I think the Contest Club of Ontario (
http://www.qsl.net/cco/ ) has done a great job of turning out VE3 activity
in the last couple of years. They have 150 members now.   Sure, I'd love to
work more Canadians.  I'd even be happy with more QSOs from Georgia.
> Again, why are we kicking Canada?

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