Ural Radio uradio at chel.surnet.ru
Sat Apr 9 02:55:45 EDT 2005

   WELCOME TO  GC 2005!

> The Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest 2005.
>     The contest is dedicated to the memory of Yuri Gagarin,
>  who realized the first human flight to space, on April 12, 1961.
>              The Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest
>           is organized and sponsored by Russian magazines
>             "Radioljubitel" & "Radioljubitel HF and VHF"
> 1. Date: the Contest takes place in the second full weekend
>    of April, from Saturday 21.00 UTC till Sunday 21.00 UTC.
>    In 2005 the Contest will commence on 09 April at 21.00 UTC
>    and will end at 21.00 UTC on 10 April.
> 2. Bands: 1.8, 3.5, 7.0, 14, 21, 28 MHz, and radio amateur
>    satellites.
> 3. Modes: CW only.
> 4. Contest call: "CQ GC" (CQ Gagarin Cup).
> 5. Categories:
> A       Single operator - Single band.
> B       Single operator - Multi bands.
> C       Multi operators - Multi bands, single transmitter.
> D       SWL - Multi bands.
> During the contest:
> All multi-band categories may also utilize radio amateur
> satellites. These QSOs are counted as an additional band.
> All multi-band categories must remain on the same band for
> at least 10 minutes after the first QSO has been made.
> All mixed mode categories can make only one QSO with the
> same station on that band.
> 6. Exchange: RST and ITU Zone number.
> 7. Scoring:
> QSO with own "P-150-C" country - 1 point.
> QSO with another "P-150-C" country, in the same continent - 2 points.
> QSO with another continent - 3 points.
> For SWL:  Complete logging of one station, only the callsign
> of the second station - 1 point. Complete logging of both
> sides of a QSO - 3 points. The same callsign may be logged
> 5 times on each band.
> 8. Multipliers: each different ITU Zone on each band gives
> 1 point for multiplier.  SWLs have no multipliers.
> 9. Final score:
> The final score is calculated as the sum of QSO points
> on all bands, multiplied by the sum of multipliers on all bands.
> 10. Awards:
> The Special trophy of the Y.A.Gagarin Air Force College will
> be awarded to the winner in the B category.
> The Special trophy of the Proffessor N.E.Jukovskiy Engineer
> Air Force College will be awarded to the winner in the C category.
> Different kind of medals will be awarded to the world's top
> scoring stations in the A, B,C and D categories.
> Certificates will be awarded to top three, and each
> country's winner in each category.
> Certificates will be awarded to all the Contest participants
> who log not less than 100 QSOs or 100 SWLs.
> Different kind of trophies will be granted to the winners
> by a number of Russian space organizations.
> 11. Logs:
> Electronic logs are to be sent via e-mail as the enclosure
> to the letter or on Floppy disc. File format - text of the
> operator's contest program, but Cabrillo format will be much
> appreciated.
> In the field "subject" of your e-mail letter it's necessary
> to mention your callsign, contest name and category
> (for example - ra3aaa GC - 2005 B). In the text of the letter
> it's necessary to show your final score calculation,
> rig and antennas data, as well your comments and wishes.
>  E-mail address: gc at qst.ru
> In case of the paper log use separate sheets for each band.
> On a summary sheet it's necessary to show: category of entry,
> callsign used, operator's name, address, complete scoring
> information, as well as the dully signed declaration that all
> Contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country
> of operation have been observed. In case of multi-operators
> entry it's necessary to include personal callsigns and names
> of operators. Any comments and contest stories are encouraged.
> Send logs to:
> GC Contest Committee,
> P.O.Box 2020, Moscow, 101000, Russia,
> The final date of logs sending - May 10, 2005.
> 73! RU3AA
> Константин

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