[CQ-Contest] Barking up the wrong ARRL DX tree

Alan Zack k7acz at cox.net
Sat Apr 9 23:55:26 EDT 2005

If you are big on contesting why not get a 5 call to match your QTH. 
That's the way it used to be, you move, you get a new call.  Too bad 
it's not the rules anymore.  I hate it when a rare DX in AF or EU asks 
for the East Coast to stand by to work a few West Coast stations, asks 
for W6 or W7.  He then comes back to a W6 who gives him a 59 from FL 
or some other East Coast QTH.  Not fair to the REAL W6 and W7 stations.

Steve London wrote:

> Cqtestk4xs at aol.com wrote:
>>I disagree.  The majority of the US does have a shot at winning the contest.
> Yeah, right !  When was the last time you (or anyone else who normally lives 
> near the east coast) operated from west of 90 degrees W longitude and came even 
> close to winning the SOAB high power category in any major contest ?  Try it 
> sometime for a learning experience.
> I guess those of us who consistently put in major efforts and operate from W5, 
> 6, 7, or 0  are simply 3rd class lids, or we would have occassionally won.
> Steve, N2IC/5
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Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
U.S. Coast Guard, Always Ready, Always There
Every hour, Every day, Around the Clock and Around the World

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