[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2006 and Writelog

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Tue Apr 19 10:33:57 EDT 2005

>From what I have gathered, the recommendation of WriteLog is the result of 
these factors:

* WRTC will be scored differently from IARU (there is a different multiplier 
  structure, for example) necessitating "special" versions of any logging
  software used.  (The same thing was true in WRTC 2002.)

* There might be a desire to minimize the variety of logging programs in use,
  so as to minimize any issues that might come up with improper log formats,
  real-time score computations, etc.  There seems to be a diversity of 
  opinion over how important this concern should be.

* Some have speculated that the desire for a real-time scoreboard may be 
  driving the organizers to encourage the use of a logging program that
  might be able to communicate directly with a real-time scoreboard (it
  seems like WriteLog might be able to do this) instead of indirectly (such
  as through periodic reports from a referee,) even if that logging program
  is not the first choice of the competitors.

* It is clear from some comments out of PY that the organizers are simply 
  personal fans and users of WriteLog and are eager to promote its use.

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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