[CQ-Contest] 2005 YU DX - All 3830 Claimed Scores 19Apr2005

mwdink@eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Tue Apr 19 10:01:33 EDT 2005

2005 YU DX - All 3830 Claimed Scores 19Apr2005

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: May 17, 2005
E-mail logs to: logs at yudx.net
Mail logs to:
  Savez radio-amatera SCG
  YU DX Contest
  P.O. Box 48
  11001 Beograd
  Serbia and Montenegro
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Lower Bands HP
YT9X               352    82     9     59,942 YU CC
F5IN               277    79           48,664 
K3WW               109    39   2.5     16,536 FRC
AA3B                64    30            7,620 FRC
YU1ZZ               93    43            6,192 SKY CC
K4BAI                2     3   0.4         24 SECC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Lower Bands LP
YU1WC              292    73           40,515 
DJ3IW               50    20            2,000 BCC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Upper Bands HP
YT9X               306    67     8     49,111 YU CC
F5IN               184    45           20,700 
AA3B               124    40           19,120 FRC
K3WW               118    37  2.15     16,128 FRC
K4BAI               42    23   1.8      3,680 SECC
YU1ZZ               49    35            2,800 SKY CC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Upper Bands LP
CT3EE              103    51           26,061 Araucaria DX
9A/S56A(@9A3MR)     49    20     1      1,140 SKY CC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Upper Bands QRP
MM3AWD             158    28    13     13,776 WWYC

AA3B         AA3B,AA3B
F5IN         F5IN,F5IN
K3WW         K3WW,K3WW
K4BAI        K4BAI,K4BAI
YT9X         YT9X,YT9X
YU1ZZ        YU1ZZ,YU1ZZ

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