[CQ-Contest] Question regarding dupes in WPX Contest

gissel@fh-ludwigshafen.de gissel at fh-ludwigshafen.de
Wed Apr 20 04:46:05 EDT 2005

Hi all,

in preparation for this year's WPX-CW I have stumbled accross the 
following problem:

If I work e.g. OK1AA on 20 meters, and work OK1AA/m on 20 meters a couple 
of hours later, would that be sonsidered a valid new contact or should I 
mark the QSO as a dupe ?

Tnx very much in advance for any input,

Vy 73 de Andy, DL3YM

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel

Professor for Logistics and Organizational Management
Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences

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