[CQ-Contest] live wx

David Robbins K1TTT k1ttt at arrl.net
Fri Apr 22 18:59:09 EDT 2005

If you bookmarked the link I have below you may want to go back and change
it to this page: http://www.k1ttt.net/wxlinks.html (this page has a link
from my main page at http://www.k1ttt.net/ now)
I have added short summary and historical graphs from the davis templates as
well as links to lots of "Citizen Weather Observer Program" information.
Any new stuff I put on my site relating to weather will show up on this

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Robbins K1TTT [mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net]
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 21:48
> To: YCCC (yccc at yccc.org); reflector cq-contest
> Cc: PITTSFIELDDJ at HOTMAIL.COM; Jon and Melissa Wald; Mom
> (barbarahdarling at yahoo.com)
> Subject: live wx
> I now have live wx on my web site so you can see how cold it really is
> when the webcam shows all that snow.
> http://k1ttt.net/wx/Current_Vantage_Pro.htm
> David Robbins K1TTT
> e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
> web: http://www.k1ttt.net
> AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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