[CQ-Contest] Dayton Forum Rooms for DX/Contesting

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik at subich.com
Tue Apr 26 23:45:37 EDT 2005

> The Hamvention Chairman had to make a tough call with room 
> assignments this year because of the ARRL Convention taking 
> place during the Hamfest. The ARRL needs a lot of room for their 
> events and he had to make a very unpopular decision. They are 
> also having some major displays this year, along with Bob Heil. 
> The section he occupies is going to be Audio Hall or
> something like that.

Screw the ARRL National Convention and Bob Heil ... the DX, 
Contest, and Antenna forums have been the most popular and 
best attended forums year in and year out.  Why should ARRL 
and Bob Heil push aside the very groups that fill up the 
downtown hotels and support Hamvention year after year? 

W8OK would be rolling over in his grave ... 

I predict that attendance this year will be lower than it has 
been anytime in the last 10 years ... and that next year will 
be still lower yet.  


   ... Joe, K4IK 

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