[CQ-Contest] 2005 EU Sprint SSB - Final 3830 Claimed Scores

mwdink@eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Fri Apr 29 08:54:50 EDT 2005

2005 EU Sprint SSB - Final 3830 Claimed Scores

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: April 24, 2005
E-mail logs to: eusprint at kkn.net
Mail logs to:
  Dave Lawley, G4BUO
  Carramore, Coldharbour Road
  Penshurst, Kent TN11 8EX
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
Single Op HP
ES5TV              315     4        314 
DL6RAI             251     4        251 BCC
OH6RX              239     4        239 CCF
CT1ILT             235     4        235 WWYC
LY1FW              235     4        235 KTU RC
LZ9W(LZ4UU)        233     4        233 LZ CONTEST TEAM
YL7A(YL2GM)        217     4        217 Latvian CC
GW4BLE             206     4        206 CONTEST CAMBRIA
M0BBB(@G6UW)       200     4        200 WWYC
YU1ZZ              198     4        198 YU CC

DJ2QV              136   2,8        136 RR DX
RW3FO(@RK3AWL)      82 1h43m         82 
EA5ON/M             77     2         77 
GM0TGE              55 2hr 1         55 WWYC

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
Single Op LP
ON5ZO              130     4        130 WWYC
9A7P(9A8MM)        130     4        130 WWYC
LZ9R(LZ3YY)        129     3        128 
LA6FJA             126     3        126 WWYC
S57NRO             122              122 
Z32AF               85     2         85 SKY CC
M0RHI               81  3.25         81 WWYC
OO6LY(ON6LY)        81     3         81 UBA/NOK
G4PIQ/P             80     2         80 
M3PHP               78               78 WWYC

LY2TA               70               70 WWYC
M0CLW               60   2.5         60 WWYC
M0TDG/P             55     4         55 WWYC
OE8WOQ              55   2,5         55 WWYC
EA7TN(EA1AK)        48               48 
T93R                32               32 RK "Gracanica" T91DN

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
Single Op QRP
MM3AWD              40     2         40 WWYC


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