[CQ-Contest] What was the JA contest yesterday ??

tsaitou@mta.biglobe.ne.jp tsaitou at mta.biglobe.ne.jp
Fri Apr 29 23:11:00 EDT 2005

Dear Charles,

That might be "ALL JA Contest" which can be found at 
(sorry for no English service due to domestic contest)

> Yesterday from 2300Z to 0100Z I heard a JA CW contest going on between
> 14.050 and 14.070.
> They were exchanging their city codes and were not too interested in
> working non-JA's.
> Conditions were poor and marginal. I did manage to work 7 stations.
> Anyone have info on this ?
> Charles Morrison
> charles.morrison at apcc.com
> Amateur Radio callsign: N1RR
> http://www.apc.com
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