[CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party - Saturday

Jimk8mr@aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Aug 25 15:38:28 EDT 2005

This Saturday, August 27, is the Ohio QSO Party, sponsored by the Mad River  
Radio Club.  It runs from 1600z to 0400z August 28.
Full contest info is available at       _www.oqp.us_ (http://www.oqp.us) 
In a nutshell, exchange QSO number and QTH.  Multipliers are by mode,  so it 
will take 176 for a double clean sweep of Ohio counties!  
We will have a great complement at least a dozen mobile or rover  stations, 
covering all 88 of Ohio's counties, as well as lots of fixed station  activity.
With any state QSO party, a county map is a great operating aid.   A great 
source of such maps, for all 50 states, is available at
I hope to see lots of you on Saturday, and good luck filling up your  Ohio 
county map!
73  -  Jim   K8MR
OQP Chairman

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