[CQ-Contest] Frostbite Falls Beach Party

k8gt@twmi.rr.com k8gt at twmi.rr.com
Thu Dec 1 15:33:54 EST 2005


While I recognize the name, I don't know anything about that one.  
Another that used  
temp at the operating position as part of the exchange and scoring is 
the QRP FYBO - 
Freeze Your Butt Off sponsored by the Arizona SQRPions.  I have entered 
it in the past as 
part of a local club entry and we always had a ball in a local park with 
friendly trees 
and a roofed pavilion and fireplaces.  It's the first Sat in February 
and last year I 
exchanged emails with one of the organizers and he said it was still on, 
then I had to 
work and missed it anyway.  :-(

73, Gerry K8GT

----- Original Message -----
From: Zack Widup <w9sz at prairienet.org>
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2005 8:44 am
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Frostbite Falls Beach Party

> Hello,
> I remember this contest a few years back but haven't seen anything 
> about 
> it in the last few years.  What happened to it?  Who sponsored it?
> It was a unique contest because the exchange and scoring were 
> based on the 
> outside temperatures.  Plus it had a really cool name!
> 73, Zack W9SZ
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