[CQ-Contest] N6/W6 route changed (off topic)

PY2NY - Vitor py2ny at arrl.net
Thu Dec 1 20:30:20 EST 2005

Hi again
Due of several advices from our USA friends,
we changed our plans to visit Lake Tahoe
area and will spend our time as follows:
Arriving San Francisco around 11pm
at night of Dec 26. Two days at SFO
and Dec 29 leaving for Napa, where
we will stay 3/4 days. Then,going to
Solvang/Buellton area Jan 2 to Jan 5.
Coming back Jan 06 to Brasil, from
LAX. Again, if you are living nearby,
and have some time, let me know and
we can try to sit down together and 
drink a glass of wine, even with my
horrible English language...
Lake Tahoe will be another time with
reservations done very before the trip
hi hi hi hi... Thanks everybody and
write us - py2ny at yahoo.com or
py2ny at arrl.net
If you have any special place to 
indicate (hotel and restaurants at Napa 
and Solvang areas), will be a pleasure
to receive your lines here ...
Bye bye...
- vitor - py2ny -

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