[CQ-Contest] Dupes during the ARRL 160

Doug Smith W9WI w9wi at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 4 17:29:25 EST 2005

On Sun, 2005-12-04 at 14:50, KI9A at aol.com wrote:
> Was it just me, or did anyone else notice an EXTREME amount of dupes this  
> weekend?

Not really, but...

I did notice what I thought was an unusual number of first-time QSOs --
contacts with people I've never worked before.  


Contest		#1st timers	Total QSOs	%1st timers
ARRL 160	53		414		12.8%
CQ WW SSB	117		479		24.4%
CQ WW CW	110		624		17.6%
SS Phone	9		104		8.65%
SS CW		20		284		7.04%
NAQP CW (Jan.)	28		558		5.02%
NAQP CW (Aug.)	38		788		4.82%

There were a lot more first-timers in this contest than in other
domestic contests.  And a lot fewer than in CQ WW.  

That said, WW tends to involve a lot of DXpeditions and special calls. 
A lot of the "first-timers" were probably operators I've worked many
times before.  

It would be interesting to see similar numbers from first-tier stations.
In particular, my SS Phone numbers are probably an anamoly, as I
operated mobile - couldn't run and often could only S&P the loudest
stations who could make it over the city noise.  

I think this says something positive about 160 meters and the people who
hang out there...
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN  EM66

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