[CQ-Contest] ARRL 160 and DX Window

Mark Steven Williams k9gx at n4gn.com
Mon Dec 5 22:10:50 EST 2005

The DX windows on 75 and 160 were ignored in the CQWW Phone, SS Phone and 
last weekend during the ARRL 160.
In each instance the 10Khz window was chock full of some "prominent" calls. 
To add to all this fun, there was a self appointed "cop", an "AD5" prefix 
out of MS during the last couple of hours of SS Phone walking up and down 
the band between 3790 and 3800 QRMing every station operating in that 10kHz. 
I've never heard this clown in a DX pileup yet there he was "protecting" the 
DX window. IMHO the guy was a textbook example of deliberate, malicious 
interference and HE deserves to get popped with a "valentine from Charlie".

So, I'll bite, how do "WE" deal with K, N, W and A stations operating in the 
DX window during tests?

Mark, K9GX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ku8e at bellsouth.net>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 6:17 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL 160 and DX Window

>  Is there still a DX window for ARRL DX 160 ??  It seems year after year I 
> hear the same USA
>  stations abusing the DX window. It seems many of these stations are in 
> rare sections so they
>  seem to get away with CQing in the DX window without anyone harassing 
> them.
>  Jeff KU8E
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