[CQ-Contest] ARRL 160 and DX Window

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Dec 6 12:33:44 EST 2005

I had a similar experience in SS where a well known Zero Land Multiop had
left a frequency I believe on 40m for quite a while.  We were working on
another band at the time then decided to switch.  This frequency had been
"clear" for a couple of minutes prior to our use.  After a few contacts.
This stations fires back up right on top of us.  They pretended not to hear
us.  Funny thing is we kept working folks and they didn't and finally left.

We found it very tough to call CQ's on separate bands and keep the frequency
of the band that was not calling CQ, let alone when a station called.

You leave the freq for a just a while and don't respond to is this freq in
use then too bad.  

Firing back up on top of another station is not better than our AD5 friend
informing us about the dx window.  They are both intentional interference.

Mike W0MU

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Steve London
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 9:26 AM
To: Steve.Root at culligan.com
Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL 160 and DX Window

Steve.Root at culligan.com wrote:

> More disturbing to me is the attitude of some of the big guns who feel 
> they've staked out a frequency and you'd better not use it, even if 
> they're gone for extended periods of time.  A certain station in IL did
this to me.
> I was on 1823 for almost 10 minutes and had a decent run going  Then 
> he came back from his multiplier hunt and just went back to CQing.  
> Needless to say I left but it's still poor operating in my book.

Funny, I had the same experience on 1823, probably with the same top-scoring
IL station. Since I wasn't putting in a serious effort, and he was, I took
the attitude "this will hurt you more than it will hurt me". After 10
minutes, he moved.

Steve, N2IC

> 73 Steve K0SR
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