[CQ-Contest] Young Contesters, Unite!

Teemu, SM0WKA teemu at sm0wka.com
Thu Dec 15 03:28:56 EST 2005


The young contesters surely know about WRTC in Brazil !

I think the biggest problem for the Young Guys is to find the economical
recourses to go to Brazil, at least from Europe it is a VERY expensive trip,
and considering that most young contesters are still in school this makes it
impossible to even consider, therefore so few applications have been turned
in to the organizing committee. Maybe something could be done to meet this

73 de

(23 yrs)
WWYC Member #49

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-
> bounces at contesting.com] För Ward Silver
> Skickat: den 14 december 2005 20:30
> Till: CQ-Contest Reflector
> Ämne: [CQ-Contest] Young Contesters, Unite!
> Hi folks,
> Now is the time for Young Contesters (YCs) to make their application to
> WRTC-2006.  And it is also the time for all good Old Contesters (OCs) to
> help them do it!  Our youthful competitors need your encouragement,
> reminders, exhortations, and assistance to get their scores on the
> application forms and submitted to the WRTC-2006 committee by Dec 31st.
> Assuming the YCs are aware of WRTC-2006 and the three YC teams, they may
> be
> holding back thinking, "Oh, I could never get picked" or "My scores aren't
> so good."  OCs do you remember when you were a YC and just getting
> started?
> Surely there is a YC in your club or community that would benefit by your
> taking notice and helping them apply.  If nothing else, your help will
> show
> them that the contest community does recognize them and values their
> participation.  They don't have to be in the Top Ten or even to have
> participated in every contest!
> So think about the under-21 contesters in your area and make sure they
> know
> about WRTC-2006 and make their application!  Brazil is not an impossible
> goal - but it will be if they don't apply.  Give them a hand, OCs!
> 73, Ward N0AX
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