[CQ-Contest] Conditions for 10m

Steve London n2ic at arrl.net
Thu Dec 15 17:34:44 EST 2005

> But this was also sunspot maximum time?
> Any observations that over the pole path in the evening on 10 meters has 
> happened during _the bottom_ of sunspot cycle? I can't remember any at least 
> in CQWWCW or ARRL10 contests since 1986.
> http://www.sec.noaa.gov/ftpdir/lists/geomag/7day_AK.txt
> interesting note:
> College          N65 W102   40     3     3     5     5     5     6     5 
> 3
> high latitude (A and) K indexes jump after Sunday morning, K peaking 6.
> 73, Timo OH1NOA 

I wouldn't say we are at the bottom of the sunspot cycle yet. Sunday's 
solar flux was 93, SSN 51. The 90 day moving average is around solar 
flux = 85. A better question would be whether the night time pole path 
from USA to Scandanavia on 10 meters has ever opened with a solar flux 
less than 75 ?

Steve, N2IC

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