[CQ-Contest] Is a break allowed in the Stew??

Stephan Walder stwa at hb9ddo.org
Mon Dec 19 02:36:13 EST 2005

John et al

interesting questions, I did more or less the same, starting around 
sunset, taking a nap in the middle of the night
and spendind the rest of the 14 hours until after sunrise.

A little clarification in the rules would definitely help. I guess it 
would be sufficient to define the minimum duration
of any break (30 or 60 minutes ?).

73, Stephan, HB9DDO / AI4MD

John Worthington wrote:

>QUICK question: I operated 9 hours, then slept for 1 hour. 
>Can I operate for 5 more hours, or only 4 more hours?
>(In other words, is a one hour time off allowed?) 
>It's not mentioned in the rules one way or the other.
>John W2ID
>Done with contest now if break not allowed, otherwise still CQ'ing...  ;-)
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