[CQ-Contest] Casual Contesting

sawyered@earthlink.net sawyered at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 19 19:03:06 EST 2005

I must say that I am surprised by some comments about casual contesting.  I often times will be tuning the band on some random weekend and hear a contest going on EU, SA, Asia, State QSO party or whatever.  I VERY FREQUENTLY will join in for half an hour or more.  Sometimes make 20 - 50 QSOs.  I often don't know the rules but pick up the exchange by listening in to a few QSOs.  If its serial, that's what they get, zone, state, age, whatever.

I have NEVER sent in a log in those interludes.  Have NO IDEA if there is a power limitiation or anything else.  Don't care, I am not submitting a log and therefore am beholden to no-one but the FCC and good gentlemanly and ethical practice of radio operating.  I always felt that I was returning the favor of the many who do the same for me, I am sure, as I work WPX or IARU or whatever.  Still do, despite some of these comments.

I never felt that 20 - 50 Qs was enough to be material to the contest and therefore did not feel compelled to send in a log.

I can't think that I am alone in these practices nor do I feel there is anything wrong with it but instead increases the enjoyment of the serious ones that I contact.


Ed  N1UR  (feel free to contact me in ANY contest you hear me in.  Log submittal optional.)

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