[CQ-Contest] Log checking questions

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 22 08:19:48 EST 2005

Oh dear, that's just plain silly. Do you or anyone else really do 

Frank, ZL4BR
Beats me Frank... But I wouldn't be surprised... Nor would I care...

I contest for fun... I contest as part of my antenna development
series that has been going on for, uhhh, roughly 45 years...

I contest until I'm tired, or the baby's momma calls me to come in
and play...  

I have gotten serial numbers handed to me over the
1000 point, fairly early in a contest, and other than wiggling my
eyebrows, couldn't care less...

Don't get worked up over these type of discussions... Lots of
hot air being floated... 

But, do be aware that in the real world in any form of contest
, radio or otherwise, there is one rule that is observed...
That rule is that: Anything not specifically forbidden is absolutly required.

denny - k8do

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