[CQ-Contest] Scheduling Mess

Art Boyars art.boyars at verizon.net
Mon Dec 26 11:18:21 EST 2005

W5OV wrote:

"There are 7 contests [the] weekend [of January 21-23].  3 of which I would like to participate in.
1) ARRL January VHF Sweeps
2) NAQP Phone (not cw, so no great loss)
3) BARTG RTTY (RTTY is really cool these days)
Don't the sponsors look to see what else is on the weekend they pick?"

I hope Bob was kidding.  After all the years of refuting the anti-contest crowd by saying that there are NOT so many contests, are we now to be hoist on our own petard?

There are only 52 weekends a year; has anybody counted the number of contests that get reported on the 3830 Reflector?  We all have to cope with some conflicts -- sometimes there will be multiple contests; sometimes your child will plan a wedding for the weekend of your favorite contest.

OTOH, maybe Bob can take this as an opportunity to develop the hardware and skills for the (unofficial) SOMRMC entry class: Single Op Multi-Radio Multi-Contest.  After all, I think the each contest's rules prohibit second-signal transmissions only in that contest.  No rule against calling simultaneous CQs in three separate contests on, say, 220 MHz CW, 40 meter RTTY, and 20 meter SSB.  (What was E. Power Biggs call sign??) Or maybe you can just be a check log in all three contests.  :>)

73, Art K3KU

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