[CQ-Contest] QRP on SSB ?

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Sat Dec 31 13:33:25 EST 2005

> I know  that 5w is the correct power for QRP in CW contests, but I had 
> read
> several  different places that 10w PEP was considered QRP when on SSB ? 
> Sept
> SSB  Sprint is the first time I have entered QRP on SSB and I assumed 10w 
> was  correct?  I was bumped to Low Power in the results by Jim, and I 
> guess
> because I told him I used 10w.  I wanted to make clear I was not trying to
> "cheat" in any way, but thought I was clear on the 10w?  So is it 5w both 
> modes
> for contesting?
> HNY all...
> Thanks Mike

In general, the limit for CW QRP is 5 watts - this is almost universal. For 
SSB QRP the power limit can be either 5 W or 10 W PEP - it's best to check 
the contest rules for the specifics.  If it's not stated otherwise, assume 5 

73, Ward N0AX 

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