[CQ-Contest] NA Sprint

Patrick Hoppe phoppe at wi.rr.com
Sun Feb 6 09:52:07 EST 2005

Last night was my first Sprint.  It was truly an exhilarating experience.  I
would like to thank the ops that put together the many web sites that gave
hints & tips for sprint night. 


The only thing that you guys didn't tell us is that if you operate just one.
you are bitten with the bug and will be back for more.  


In four hours I had 126 Q's and 32 mults.  Not impressive by any means.
BUT, I had a ball.  And in my mind, that is why we are in this hobby.  My
goal will be to increase that score by one, in the next NA Sprint - SSB.  


Hmmm, only a week to get ready for the cw Sprint.






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