[CQ-Contest] RTTY and CW Sprints

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Sat Feb 12 02:42:28 EST 2005

Joe, K4IK wrote:

No, it is the sponsors of a NORTH AMERICAN contest who chose
to move it into conflict with an INTERNATIONAL RTTY contest.
The solution is to return CW Sprint to the first weekend of
February and Phone Sprint to the second weekend.  If the
conflict with the FOC Marathon is that much of a problem
FOC can move to the second weekend as their operation
rarely extends high enough to conflict with RTTY WPX.

In order to avoid such chaos and disharmony, it would seem to me that 
reasonable, intelligent people from the different Major contest sponsoring 
organizations could achieve a workable joint scheduling plan IN-ADVANCE.

Can we therefore expect the Contest Calendar for 2006 to NOT have these 
glitches?  There is a "Contest Central Scheduling Computer" on order, right?

I certainly hope so...for everyone's sake and contesting "joy".


Rick, K6VVA

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