[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2006

Jim Neiger n6tj at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 12 12:22:34 EST 2005

Having received the Official WRTC 2006 announcement on W3UR's daily bulletin ( a publication that I highly recommend), I believe that we all should owe Bob Cox K3EST a debt of gratitude.  Why, you ask?

It appears that the Brazilian WRTC Organizing Committee is on a path that will allow both radios to transmit, on some to be determined basis, and many of us think that this will be GREAT, and certainly more fun for the teams.

And why can we thank K3EST for planting the suggestion to do this?  If you will all kindly turn to page 22 of September 2004 CQ MAGAZINE, on which Bob wrote (while speaking of the CQ WW Contest Multi-Two category):

"It probably is the most fun you can have with two rigs".......

Right-on, Bob, and since we all believe that EVERY contest should be fun, including WRTC, it is definitely heartening to see an old timer like Bob support the fun-ness of the upcoming Brazil event.

I remain ever hopeful.................

Vy 73

Jim Neiger   N6TJ

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