[CQ-Contest] Let's Do Something About CW Sprint

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Feb 14 09:18:36 EST 2005

Perhaps we could just move one of the Sprints to the third weekend of  
February. Then the other Sprint could rotate between the first and second  weekends, 
dividing the conflict between the FOCers and the RTTYers, and avoiding  the 
Valentine's Day conflict in the appropriate years.
Yeah, I know there's some other DX contest scheduled for the third weekend,  
but that's of serious interest only for the East Coast guys, who by and large  
don't operate the Sprint anyway. For the rest of us, the 0000z-0400z block  
is a pretty slow time, when the diversion of four hours of high  rate would be 
a welcome breath of fresh air.
Furthermore, we all know that all the great contest operators  live on the 
East Coast. These guys are so good they could operate the  Sprint with the 
second or third radio and beat the rest of us mortals from out  west anyway.
73  -  Jim  K8MR      :>)

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