[CQ-Contest] ham radio is dead?

W0uo@cs.com W0uo at cs.com
Thu Feb 17 17:19:41 EST 2005

Mike makes an interesting point.  For a long time I've thought that there must be a purpose in order for us to take the time to communicate.  Shooting the bull, exchanging reports, rigs, weather, etc can get old after awhile.  For most of us this amounts to contesting and DXing or working for some other kind of award, which often places us in competition with others.  Wouldn't it be nice to have an activity that doesn't place us in such direct competition?

73 de Jim

mike l dormann <w7dra at juno.com> wrote:

>i must comment, as i sit here filling out qsl cards (the bane of being
>ZK1DRA and 3D2/W7DRA, W7DRA/VC7, etc), listening to 40m cw on my HRO60,
>and hearing the watery EU stations talking to LOUD POWERFUL W6 stations,
>i hear a few others across the band but not many.
>the last night of the CX on 80m after everyone of CX ilk had gone, one of
>the benefits of ballroom dancing you are always on the air after everyone
>else in snug in bed.................
>i started calling CQ somewhere around 3550 (no way to measure my
>frequency), with 300 watts or so from my ARC5/805 pa and worked three
>guys, all in Washington state, no one making a single bleep until they
>called me
>.........................we need a new
>CX rules, but the contest lasts for a month. post your log summary here
>in glowbugs, for example
>W7DRA /  3 bands / 15 QSOs / 6 states / 4 manufactured rigs worked ( ie -
>icom kenwd tentec K2)
>scoring would be 3x15x6x4 = 1080
>and the winner is......................... (glowbugs)W5TVW! who edged out
>W7QQQ by one contact!!
>                                                       (CQ-CONTEST)
>K1TTT! who edged out K9DX by one contact!!
>and the winner receives  ONE 10K 1/4W RESISTER?
>you see what i mean
>ham radio is dying not because of contest activity, but lack of QSO
>CQ-Contest mailing list
>CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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