[CQ-Contest] ham radio is dead? - Or - Operating Night

PaulKB8N@aol.com PaulKB8N at aol.com
Fri Feb 18 10:30:08 EST 2005

I basically agree with your proposal, but I also think that we might  
consider setting up "monitor frequencies" for each band.  These would be  frequencies 
where we could listen for or call CQ to initiate  QSOs.  I often have a radio 
turned on during the day, I usually monitor  "028" on whatever band seems to 
be open.  I'll often use my "CQ Mule" to  call a repeating CQ until someone 
answers.  I've often had great results on  bands that seem dead.  In fact, one 
afternoon ten meters seemed dead, and I  called CQ for about a half hour.  Once 
a couple of DX stations called in,  stations seemed to start showing up.  I 
don't know if one person can make a  difference, but sometimes it just takes a 
spark to start a fire.
I have about 15K QSO general purpose QSOs on my computer.  Whenever I  run 
across someone I haven't worked before, I always try to call them.  I  never 
cease to be amazed at the deep well of potential QSOs that is out  there.
The bottom line is that we just all need to take time whenever we can to  
make Qs and keep the bands active.  I try to make at least one or two QSOs  per 
day, often they are nothing more than a quick initial exchange.  I  don't know 
if it helps, but I hope so.  If someone doesn't answer those  CQs, they may 
stop altogether.
Paul, K5AF

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