[CQ-Contest] Re: [RTTY] CW/RTTY QRM Saturday evening

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Fri Jan 7 21:27:30 EST 2005

N6DE added to K6LL's post:

>-As Dave mentioned, be aware that you are likely going to hear RTTY
>stations on 40m as low as 7.040 (and potentially lower, though I
>certainly hope not).  This is due to the narrow overall 40m band
>allocation in most parts of the world.

As low as 7025, as the SSTVers are no better on 7030 than 14230 &
there are few holes left between SSB stations between 7040 & 7050.

Sometimes even a little below 7025, but I & others I think try to avoid
that as there's enough SSB down there as it making things difficult
for those on CW.  Or at least that's what I find it like when I'm on CW.

With conditions the way they have been, things will be pretty tight
on 40 this weekend!

73 & HNY, VR2BrettGraham

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