[CQ-Contest] schurr keys

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Sat Jan 22 14:53:41 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick Dougherty NQ4I" <nq4i at contesting.com>

> Hi all...are the Schurr keys still being made?
> I am wanting a Profi II key...

Yes - I got a new Profi II last month.  Contact info is

scheunemann.morsetasten at t-online.de>

Uli Scheunemann DC2SO
Unterweissacherstr. 19A
D-71549 Auenwald - Unterbruden

Uli is/was Gerhart Schurr's partner - Gerhart has now retired.

Paul EI5DI

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