[CQ-Contest] "Everyone" knows CT...

Tue Jul 5 17:42:12 EDT 2005

WHAT..??.. Just for the record I became a registered user of CT around 1987 and was contesting for @20 years prior to that. Prior to CT I was logging by hand, (what a revolting concept).
I recently had to use N1MM during a contest and found it was easy to use because the function keys, that are used during a contest, are exactly the same as CT. I just looked at TR, because I haven't  looked at it for years, and the function keys, used during contesting, are exactly the same as CT. As for the comment ""re-learn all those obscure function keys and hidden windows"" let me see if I understand alt-s=summary, alt-r=rate, alt-c=country, alt-z=zones, etc etc etc. Seems like one of the most well thought computer logging programs currently available. Many folks seem to have lost sight of the purpose of  contest logging software and that is to LOG during a contest.
CT is as current today as it was 20 years ago, at least is has a windows version unlike TR. IMHO the setup and post contest functions of N1MM and TR leave a lot be desired even though TR is really close to CT.
I have been asked many times over the years to recommend a contest logging program and it's always CT.

MAL              N7MAL

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kenneth E. Harker 
  To: CQ Contest 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 18:46
  Subject: [CQ-Contest] "Everyone" knows CT...

  On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 08:49:29AM -0400, Mark Bailey KD4D wrote:

  > I recently did an informal survey of PVRC members, and Writelog
  > was by far the most popular logging program!
  > The "big guns" I have been at use CT (DOS) or Writelog (Windows).
  > I personally use TRLog for single operator contests (also DOS).
  > Most people know how to use CT, and this is a factor for the
  > bigger stations.

  I don't think this is necessarily true for anyone getting into the sport 
  in the past five to ten years or so.  I started contesting in the 1996-1997
  contest season, and I can only recall maybe three contests I've done where 
  I had to use CT - Field Day in 1996, the June VHF contest at K8GP in 1998,
  and CQWW SSB 2004 at K3LR.  Every time, I have to re-learn all those 
  obscure function keys and hidden windows and what-not.  I almost always 
  use TR, but I've been to several multis where I've had to use WriteLog.  

  I think anyone getting into the sport today would almost certainly be
  using something other than CT.  If your perception is that "everyone"
  knows CT, maybe you just have an older peer community around you.

  Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
  kenharker at kenharker.com

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