[CQ-Contest] Everyone uses CT

Wed Jul 6 17:33:34 EDT 2005

Gee excuse me if I'm not surprised by N6TR's response. I will take issue with it though. How many multi-multi networked stations are there, 10 or 12. My guess would be around 1% of the total contest stations. So from where I sit and 99% of the contesting community:'Who Cares'
If the insert key is so wrong why are upcoming contest logging programmers like N1MM implementing it.
The overwhelming majority of computer users use Windows. I have a new 'super-duper' computer with lots of bells/whistles. The first thing I did when I received it was to create a DOS partition, to run CT. But, I, like you, are in the minority. For most contests I prefer to run CT in Windows, as a windows program.
Each programmer has to determine his 'niche' and go for it. I predict 5 years from now you will be a full blown dinosaur, today you're just a baby dinosaur.
If TR had been the first computer contest logging program I used I would still, probably, be using today. CT came along first, for me, and I liked it. I tried TR in the early days but had already been exposed to CT. TR is a well written program and does exactly what it is supposed to do: 'LOG' a contest.
I said before:""CT is as current today as it was 20 years ago"" and I'll stand by it.

MAL              N7MAL
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tree 
  To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 16:11
  Subject: [CQ-Contest] Everyone uses CT

  Well - I guess I am not everyone, as I have never used it - at least not
  enough to fully learn it.

  I couldn't ever figure out the INSERT key to start sending CW - just too far
  from the home typiing position (and too small of a key).

  At a recent multi-multi where all but two of the computers were using CT, 
  it was shown that the new TR feature that emulates the CT network worked 
  great.  This was used at a multi-multi that won the world.  

  So - I hope that those who want to use TR can hopefully use this feature 
  to setup a couple of computers with TR and join the multi-multi without 
  having to learn CT.

  73 Tree N6TR
  tree at kkn.net

  PS: I think I have decided to write a windows version of TR.  However, it 
  will take awhile - I expect about 10 years.
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