[CQ-Contest] CT is King

mwdink@eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Thu Jul 7 10:57:26 EDT 2005

I find this debate funny - like my daddy is bigger than your daddy.

I've done 'em all!

- I wrote my first logger for the Commodore 128

- then with my first PC, I found CT. grandaddy of them all and
  a real treat at the time

- then I found and used NA for many a year, arguably a clone
  of CT but I preferred it over the original for some reason
  I can't recall now.

- TR came along and pushed the limits for contest logger. The keys
  were more intuitive and I liked Tree's configuration system
  and responsive support. If you wanted to do two radios,
  TR was definitely the leader.

- Alas, DOS is dead. (Sorry, I know this is blasphemy to some.)
  Even if it wasn't I wanted to be able to use my other programs
  which weren't DOS based without extra 'puters or manipulations
  so I looked at N1MM and used it for a while until it became
  unstable in the 2 radio modes I wanted to use so I purchased
  and used Writelog for almost 2 years. Biggest issue was a lack of
  S&P mode like TR and N1MM.

- now, N1MM has stabilized (or, at least, I have found a stable
  version) and I am back using it.

- if Tree ever makes a Windows version of TR (and I think he would be
  insane to do so), I would most certainly give it a try.

(Note that I purchased and maintained subscriptions to nearly all
of these at one time so if you have the product, I'm willing to pay!)

All of this is to state that contesting is not a static hobby.
I don't use the same radio's or antennas I used 10 years.  If
you're happy with your logger and it makes your station
efficient. Go for it. I can use any logger at anybody's station,
just give me 10-20 minutes to get in the groove.


  back to the debate of who has the bigger/better daddy  :>)

see you in the IARU!  (no video's being given out - sorry)

dink, n7wa

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