[CQ-Contest] W1AW/5

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Mon Jul 11 15:21:20 EDT 2005

On Sat, Jul 09, 2005 at 10:17:37PM -0000, N7MAL wrote:
> Anyone have any idea who the operator was at W1AW/5 at 1300Z on 3798
> (DX-Window)? He didn't have a clue what kind of problem he was creating 
> and that reflects poorly on W1AW. W1AW/5 was in full sunlight QRM'ing 
> guys on the west coast who still had propagation to the pacific for 
> the contest. W1AW/5 was such an 'alligator' type station he could not 
> even hear 'big-guns' in W6-Land calling him.  Someone please give that 
> op 10 lashes with a wet noodle.  Thank you....

I can top that.

In 2003, I was on 20 meters phone just beginning a S&P pass through the 
band around 1830 UTC when I came across NU1AW.  I call, but get beaten 
by another station - W4RA.  The operator at NU1AW sends W4RA the 
"59 IARU" exchange, and W4RA responds with his "59 AC" exchange.  The 
operator at NU1AW then asked him what "AC" was and did he know his ITU 
zone?  W4RA asked what station this was that he was working, was it 
really NU1AW, the headquarters station of the International Amateur Radio
Union?  There was a long pause from NU1AW, so I broke in and worked 
W4RA myself.  I then worked NU1AW and left them to ponder the strange
contest exchange...

W4RA is (and also was at the time) President of the IARU.

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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