[CQ-Contest] Subject: Operating methods or equipment?

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Tue Jul 19 02:01:24 EDT 2005

Perhaps a good reality check on the "equipment" part here can be found via 
the pix at:

http://www.qsl.net/d44tt/  (D4B)


http://ru1a.ru/eng/   (check out the 20 meter 4x5 H-Frame at: 
http://ru1a.ru/eng/photoalbum.shtml?id=ant_20m )


etc., etc., etc.   And yes, such antennas *can* help put some extra QSOs in 
the log!!!

{Sigh} I just remembered back when (almost 50 years ago), it seemed that 
most "DX" stations all ran "100w & a dipole" :-)

Enjoy & 73...

Rick, K6VVA (Ex-KN6VVA circa 1957)

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