[CQ-Contest] FCC on CW

John Geiger ne0p at lcisp.com
Sat Jul 23 10:05:26 EDT 2005

I can see the FCC soon eliminating the CW subbands.  The FCC has already
stated (not in these exact words) that CW is no longer important, and the
NPRM is closer to W5YI's petition than the ARRL's.  W5YI has also petitioned
the FCC to remove all CW subbands.

73s John NE0P

Stuck in the past CW operator

----- Original Message -----
From: "Art - W6KY" <art-w6ky at sbcglobal.net>
To: "N7MAL" <N7MAL at CITLINK.NET>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 1:42 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FCC on CW

> I agree with Mal (Ouch! That hurt!)..  I can also see
> all 'Major CW' contests being eliminated in a few
> years. There will still be FIST and QRP contest, but
> how many real contesters will those attract?  Another
> thing that will help kill CW is on the burner right
> now by the ARRL. The elimination of a band plan.
> Transmission would be assigned by spectrum allocation.
> This will not help to preserve CW..  I am usually not
> right in my predictions, so I hope it rings true this
> time and I am wrong again!
> 73, Art  W6KY
> www.w6ky.com
> --- N7MAL <N7MAL at CITLINK.NET> wrote:
> > Today I attempted to make a posting concerning the
> > FCC Notice of Proposed Rule-making(NPRM) to
> > eliminate the code requirement for obtaining an
> > Amateur Radio license, thereby killing CW
> > contesting. The moderator made it clear in, no
> > uncertain terms, he would squelch all discussions
> > because it was not related to contesting. Well it
> > has a great deal to do with contesting, at least 50%
> > of contesting. Once the requirement for knowing CW
> > to obtain an Amateur Radio license is gone within 5
> > years the CW contests will fade away. The new breed
> > of hams will have no interest in CW contesting
> > because they had no incentive, or reason, to learn
> > the code. It is well documented now that phone
> > contests have more participation than CW contests.
> > Removing the code requirement will put the final
> > nail in the coffin for CW contests. There is a large
> > number of CW contesters, like me, who are 'getting
> > long in the tooth' and CW contesting will need
> > replacements. If there is no longer any requirement
> > to
> >   learn the code where are our CW contest
> > replacements going to come from?
> > So, you see Tom this is probably one of the most
> > important contest discussions we could have,
> > especially as it relates to CW contesting. The
> > contesting community needs to get together, with one
> > voice, and make comments to the FCC against this
> > NPRM. If the contesting community does not get fired
> > up against the NPRM then 50% of the contests will
> > just disappear. There are only 2 options: Ignore it
> > by burying our heads in the sand and losing CW
> > contests or make a strong stand against this NPRM.
> > If we fail we can at least hold our heads high
> > because we gave it our best effort to save CW
> > contesting.
> >
> >
> > MAL                N7MAL
> > http://www.ctaz.com/~suzyq/N7mal.htm
> > http://geocities.com/n7mal/
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