[CQ-Contest] CQ-Contest Scores

Alan Zack k7acz at cox.net
Sat Jul 23 17:45:25 EDT 2005

The annual subscription to CQ Radio Amateur Journal Magazine is $32.00.  I also 
show I subscribe to CQ CONTEST Magazine by K3EST for $25.00 a year but haven't 
received a copy for awhile.  Are they still being published?  I think it is a 
quarterly magazine.  So that is $57.00 per year times how many others subscribe 
to these magazines.  Seems they could hire a data entry type person to post 
contest results on their web site several times a year part time.
Here is quote from their web site:
Our primary focus has always been on operating activities, including DXing and 
contesting, but construction projects and technical articles regularly find a 
home in CQ as well.
If their primary focus is on contesting then it seems they are not fulfilling 
their goals.

Kenneth E. Harker wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 01:40:08PM -0700, Alan Zack wrote:
>>OK, let me ask why the ARRL does such a great job of posting contest results and 
>>mailing out certificates and the CQ Contest group can't?
> The ARRL pays a staff member specifically to do it.  At CQ, it's all 
> volunteers.
>>On the CQWWDX Contest page the most recent contest results posted are 2003 world 
>>leaders.  For everyone else it says: "(All scores will be posted
>>when they are available)".  When will that be?
>>Except for High Claimed scores there are NO postings for the 160 m SSB for any 
>>year, and on the CQ WPX web page no scores for any year, just a listing of 
>>If they are listed someplace else besides in the magazines please let me know. 
>>I do subscribe to CQ Magazine but my storage space is limited to the 12 most 
>>recent issues at a time.  But even if I did keep every back issue it is much 
>>easier to look up prior years scores on line the way the ARRL lists them rather 
>>than look through old magazines.
>>Tom Frenaye wrote:
>>>Let's keep the discussion to contests and contesting issues.   I've declined a couple of messages that had to do with the FCC's plan to drop CW - there are plenty of other places for that discussion.   If you want to post something here, please keep it closely related to contesting.
>>>          -- Tom/K1KI  cq-contest admin


Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired

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