[CQ-Contest] Contesters on CW (was: FCC on CW)

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Sun Jul 24 16:17:03 EDT 2005

Scott, W3TX, wrote:

 > I've even been thinking about writing a book about "Amateur Radio Family 

What a GREAT idea, Scott  Go-For-It, OM !!!

 > The art and science of amateur radio will continue to evolve.

I find it most interesting that the "art" of CONTESTING *could* actually be 
carried on without radios, just as other aspects of amateur radio *can* 
presently be carried on without contesting.  It would work better, of 
course, if all participants were on ultra-high speed bandwidth connections :-)

 > I believe that we as a hobby are set in our old ways...

That may be an understatement.  It is doubtful many in the world would 
prefer to return to the days of horse & buggy transportation vs. 
automobiles, but I' ve recently observed a mindset about futuristic 
enhancements to contest logging software that would suggest some ops are 
possibly considering going backwards in time.


Rick, K6VVA

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