[CQ-Contest] HF Vertical antenna question

Jacob Tennant k8jwt at adelphia.net
Tue Jul 26 22:03:20 EDT 2005

I was looking into building a simple (cheap) vertical for 10/15/20.  I have 
a B&D 20' Crappie available and was wondering about using the three 
conductor rotor control cable from Radio Shack for the radiator & radials.

For the radials as well as the radiator I was going to cut out sections for 
20 meters then prune the other wires for 10 & 15 meters.

Does this sound like a viable antenna or should I just make a 20 meter 
vertical and use a tuner for the other bands?  Would like to not have to buy 
a tuner right now but will if I must.

Jacob Tennant - K8JWT 

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