[CQ-Contest] L.O.T.W.

Steve IK4WMH ik4wmh at virgilio.it
Wed Jul 27 08:44:11 EDT 2005

Hello W4TV,

Wednesday, July 27, 2005, 5:46:36 AM, you wrote:

JSW>    1) the applicant has to "prove" who he is
JSW>    2) the certificate issuing "authority" has to investigate the 
JSW>       applicant and confirm the applicant is who he says he is 
JSW>       (and, in some cases, do a through credit and background check)

Is the address stored in the FCC database enough proof of the identity
of the applicant?

Why shall I send photocopies of my license and passport to prove who I
am while you, US hams, don't have to?

Since I hold a US call I have the following two chances:

1. I request a LotW certificate for my US call, and *THEN* I use it to
request an additional certificate for my italian home call

2 . I request a LotW certificate for my italian home call (for which I
must send photocopies of my ham license and passport) *THEN* I use it
to request an additional certificate for my US call

At the end of either procedure the result is the very same, I have
both calls on LotW, but my life is far easier if I ask for my 1st
certificate using my US call.

Do you consider it fair? I don't.

A few months back I exchanged a few emails with Wayne N7NG, I asked
him since an address stored in the FCC database was enough proof if my
address stored in the ARRL files (used by me for many years to take
part in the DXCC program) could be considered at the same level of the
FCC address and enough proof to identify me.

He said it was not.

I guess I'll never get onto LotW unless the certificate request
procedure is levelled between US and foreign hams.

Famous Sport Quotes:

'I always used to put my right boot on first,
 and then obviously my right sock.'
Barry Venison, ITV

Steve                          mailto:ik4wmh at virgilio.it

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