[CQ-Contest] L.O.T.W.

steve.root@culligan4water.com steve.root at culligan4water.com
Wed Jul 27 22:14:01 EDT 2005

>Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:27:07 -0400
>From: Sherman Banks <w4atl at earthlink.net> Add To Address 
>Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] L.O.T.W. 
>To: cq-contest at contesting.com 

>True.  But I do not need to go back to the bank and reapply 
>when I upgrade computers or if my computer crashes.  My user 
>name and password is enough at any computer terminal.

That is precisely my issue.  After navigating my way through 
the original application procedure and then later figuring 
out how to renew, I suffered some computer problems.  
Apparently the files I had saved (even though they were less 
than a year old) were "expired" and the ONLY way to fix 
things was to get new files from the ARRL.  I still don't 
have a clear idea what each file does (.p12, .tq8, etc) but 
apparently you have to have brand new fresh new ones after 
you re-install the software.  That exceeds my hassle 
threshold, and that was the day I quit using LOTW.

73 Steve K0SR 

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