[CQ-Contest] NAQP Rules and the District of Columbia - Time For Action!

ku8e@bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Wed Jun 1 09:51:32 EDT 2005

    Eric has a valid argument for adding DC. Most of the ARRL contests group the VE1 
  provinces/territories (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI) into one multiplier - MAR
  That is not done in NAQP.... they are all separate multipliers.

  I am all for keeping the politics that you see in DXing out of contesting. Adding one new 
 multiplier is really not going to change anything. Plus , I am more anything that would add
 more activity to the contest.  

 I am like Eric, where I don't usually have time to spend a whole weekend in a 48 hour contest.
The NAQP and CW Sprint have become two of my most favorite contests

73, Jeff  KU8E

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