[CQ-Contest] 2005 Dayton Forum Wrap Up

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Wed Jun 8 10:12:02 EDT 2005

Gary Sutcliffe wrote: "Attendance by vendors and regular attendees has been
dropping every year. Moving some of the activities off site is only going
discourage vendors from showing up, and that will accelerate the drop in
regular attendees.
Please find a way to keep these forums at the HARA under reasonable

Personally, if it weren't for the "social" aspect, I doubt if I would even
consider attending? I'm not a "shopper, trader or flea market visitor". I
doubt seriously if there is anything, "I can't live without", to be found
 I found the "social" aspect very comfortable, especially the extended visit
with my "WW" twin, K3WW! The looks on most of the faces, when they noticed
our similar callsign, was worth the drive! IMHO, moving the forums back to
Hara, will require a combined, cooperative effort between the forum
moderators and the Hamvention staff? I'm fortunate to have only a 2+ hour
drive to Dayton, but I "need a reason" to visit the Hamvention, especially
when the forums, I care to attend, are held elsewhere. Hopefully, this will
work out to the benefit of the majority.

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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